Hey, youse MV guys in Arkasas!!!

From: William R. Benson (Benson@eqe.com)
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 08:19:03 PDT

While I was looking around for 1951 era drivers id cards and vehoicle operator's
qualifications cards, I contacted a museum in Harrison, Arkansas. They couldn't
help me with the documents, and then turned around and asked ME for help.

Well, I'm in California, and they're in Arkansas.

Any of you folks in that neck o' the woods interested in helping 'em out?

 I am sorry, we just don't hold those items in our archives.
However, have you contacted the archives at Quantico?
I checked through ours and the closest we get is tech manuals for auto
repair. (They don't have the documents as part of subject matter)
 New subject....We also sponsor the Veteran's Day parade here. Can
you put us in touch w/ any antique military vehicle owners who may
desire to participate in our parade?
Our grand opening is Nov 10th, w/ MC Ball also that night, plus
anyone in town for MCLM or MCLM functions draws a 20%
discount at the Holiday Inn EXpress here. Would sure like to find
USMC types to participate in either parade or static displays.

D.A. Red Millis II
GySgt USMC Retired
Curator, Marine Corps Legacy Museum
PO Box 2654, Harrison AR 72601

Sorry for the dribble, Top... It's one o' them 'Espirit de Corps' things we
Marines are so fanatical about...


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