Re: [MV] The Red Fuel saga continues

From: jonathon (
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 20:48:59 PDT

>Oh GREAT......not like we have ENOUGH troubles just trying to keep Uncle Sam
>off our backs about owning Mil-Veh's.....
>Now we got MISTER Farmntown announcing to the world that HE don't see how
>cheating the taxman could be so bad! Are you saying it's alright if you
>don't get caught?! What's the matter...all that Skoal rot yer brain?..
>Tell ya what, pal.....why don't you crawl back under your little rock on
>your little farm and do all of us a favor.................

Cool off jack.

Tax and/or environmental issues be damned, the real reason to burn high
sulphur fuel (the current 'red' fuel oil if you please) is exactly why the
army does, it's better for the engine.


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