Learned listees,
I have observed the discussion of Mr Holland. I think you should realize
that MVPA HQ does indeed monitor this list fo Mr Holland is privy to all
the posts. I have dealt with Mr Holland in my quest to rid the hobby of
State Department Re-transfer Authorizations. He is quite personable and
prefessional. I agree TOTALLY with Calude Vaughn's statement that:
>For the moment, I am happy to have Mr. Holland represent me
Mr Holland is on the side of the MV collector. He is working to get rid of
things like the Re-transfer Authorization fiasco and HR 4205. His job
would be easier if he could say "I represent 10,000 hobyists" (so thanks to
those of you who have joined MVPA.) What alternative NATIONAL organization
is there to speak for the MV hobbyist? NONE. Is there likely to be a
NATlONAL alternative? NO. Supporting persons like Mr Holland would
undoubtly be more productive in the long run than lynching him. He is on
our side. Supporting MVPA would undoubtly be more productive in the long
run for the MV hobby.
Again, Claude is right when he types:
>We must be unified, polite, and knowledgeable of the issues.
Unity, civility, and knowledge is the key. Uncoordinated, uncivil, and
ignorant ravings won't help.
SO consider the following:
1) Form local (i.e., State or MVPA Chapter level) Commitees to coordinate
State or Chapter level responses to challenges like the State Department
Re-transfer Authorizations or HR 4205. A commitee could be as small as one
or 2 persons in a club. This would reinforce the NATIONAL voice of MVPA.
2) If you are not in MVPA....consider joining to produce a stronger
NATIONAL voice for the MV hobby.
3) When acting as an individual citizen try to be civil and knowledgable in
expressing concerns to Congress, BATF, etc....you get more flies with honey
that with vinegar.....Mr Holland has had to do damage control in DC because
of the unfavorable reflection some uncivil ravings have had on the MV hobby.
Finally, the propensity for increased government regulation that is
currently challenging the MV hobby (and the old car hobby in general-i.e.,
car scrappage programs) will be a continuing problem unless unified
hobbyists move to have "Classic vehicles" (MV or otherwise) defined by law.
National action will probably be needed to protect the MV hobby due to the
military aspect of MV's. Unity, civility, and knowledge is the key to
success. Uncoordinated, uncivil, and ignorant ravings won't help.
Dean L. Kellogg, Jr., MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900
(210) 617-5311 FAX (210) 617-5312 e-mail:kelloggd@uthscsa.edu
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