Fw: [MV] tongue in cheek.....part two

From: Timothy Smith (timothy.smith1@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 21:39:38 PDT

>I got an IDEA!
>Real quick, go out and but up all the Army condoms you can lay your hands
>on....then VERY CAREFULLY remove them from their packages.
>Take your demilling tool (any needle will do) and demill those lil
>Now, VERY CAREFULLY put them BACK in their packages.
>Now send them to the representatives of your choice.
>Need I say more?
>(Before you flame me...... Yes, I know this is serious business.....but I
>need to smile awhile)
>TJ Smith
>.......miscellaneous ramblings from the totally unhinged

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