My hour long Conversation w/Lee Holland (HR 4205]

From: Enterprise B&B/Cayman Islands, BWI (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 12:19:30 PDT

I spent the last hour on the phone w/Lee Holland (LH) discussing the
situation about HR-4205 and more specifically Section 361, the demil
portion. I asked some very pointed questions and received a lot of answers
and information. I made notes and here is what transpired:

LH said he is a civilian employee of the Army and doesn't know why the
Armed Service Committee referred me to him to answer questions about S361.

LH has not been in touch w/Spence and said Spence was only a figurehead in
submitting the bill and Spence is to retire shortly. He said it would do
no good to contact Spence and he has not tried. Now here comes some
important/interesting stuff:

LH says the MVPA has hired, as of about 10 days ago, some *registered*
lobbyists who are representing the MVPA and some other "interests" (his
word w/no other details given) to find out more about and go behind S361
LH told me the lobbyists did not want it revealed who they are! I said
this struck me as slightly strange since as registered lobbyists, they are
required by law to file a list of all interests they represent and that
could be easily found. LH agreed but said that was the "wishes" of the
lobbyists and he must respect it. He also was asked not to discuss the
identities of the other "interests" who the lobbyists were represneting on
this matter. He did mention the word "museums".

LH specifically said twice he had talked w/people on the Armed Services
Committee but no names or details of the communications were given to me.
He did say it appears the genesis of Section 361 is the Army.

We talked for a while about "Legislative Intent" which as I have said
before is the statement of the reason(s) given as to why any particular
bill, law or part of either is proposed. LH said he had heard of there
being problems w/computer hard drives sold w/sensitive information on them,
circuit boards sold to the public with stratigic parts and people building
planes or such from parts legally purchased. I don't doubt this to be true.

I said it seems to me (and this I know to be true) it would only take a day
or two at the most of someone looking through the Congressional Record
transcripts (and I think they are made daily) to find out not only who
introduced the bill and/or Section 361 but to find the statement of the
reasons behind it. LH said that is exactly what the lobbyists are looking
into now. He expects some answers in around a week but could not give a
specific time-frame.

As to the status of the bill (there are two versions now but only one will
come out of "committee"), they are in "committee" and when a final version
is hammered out, it will go to Slick Willie (Hey, I actually like the
horney guy) for signature. LH feels we are looking at around mid-September
before something really happens.

At this point in the conversation, my computer died and I started making
handwritten notes so what follows is both from recent memory and in free
association format.

LH said he felt the MVPA is in a good position to protect the rights of all
of us in this "hobby" and he himself is the owner of many MVs so he does
have a vested interest in this matter. He felt it would be detrimental for
individuals to try to take personal and direct "action" with
representatives because the wrong thing said could hurt the cause. He
alluded to some of the posts on this list which were somewhat militant. He
also pointed out this list is not an "official" MVPA voice and many listers
are not MVPA members and he would not become involved in posting to the list.

LH indicated there has and is going to be serious funds spend by the MVPA
on fighting to keep Rule 361 from becoming law. He also said it was his
opinion that even if R351 did become law the Government wasn't going to
start rounding up jeeps, half-tracks, etc. but he did admit under the
present wording that and more could be done.

OK, for those of you who are still w/me, the above are the "facts" of the
conversation as my notes and memory reflect and serve me. The following
are my feelings and impressions. Read them if you want and give them
whatever weight you feel they deserve. They could be worth what you are
paying for them :)

I did tell LH I was going to post here on my conversation and he said he
had no problem with that, he also gave me his home phone number if I wanted
to talk more. LH seemed very sincere and dedicated and clearly is taking
a lot of his personal time on this and probably other MVPA matters.

My first feeling is, everyone on this list who is concerned w/not only R361
but any legislation respecting this hobby should immediately join the MVPA.
Considering what we spend on our toys, it's really chump change and I do
believe the money which is being spent by the MVPA is for our benefit. If
we're gonna ride, we should pay the fare. It's sort of like voting. I feel
if someone doesn't get their bumm out and vote, they shouldn't complain
about what the Government does or doesn't do. So that's my first point.

I wasn't happy w/what I considered the "secrecy" involved in what the MVPA
is doing. I feel the MVPA site should give more specific updates including
names, times, dates, etc. I am not comfortable feeling anyone thinks I am
not ("smart" or whatever term you would apply here) enough to be given the
facts/specifics. I appreciate being represented and I sure don't have the
money to do it all on my own but I don't like to feel as if I'm being told,
when I ask about specifics, "Don't worry, just leave it up to me to handle
and go about your playing".

I also agree w/LH when he says that if (and "if" is the operative word
here) some nut case (my term) starts making threats about this, that could
be used against "us". If I am given specific details, then I'm willing
to let the MVPA represent my interests but until then, I view everyting
said w/caution.

My final impressions are that LH/MVPA is on our side but should trust us
with more details. I also feel whoever out there isn't an MVPA member
should join STAT!

OK, my 2mm worth.


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