---------------------- Forwarded Message: ---------------------
From: t.glance@att.net
To: Cougarjack@aol.com
Subject: Re: [MV] HR 4205
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:52:49 +0000
> I don't particularly believe either Spence nor Holland in this matter. If
> is what Congress was concerned about, then why was the bill not worded as
> There was a smokescreen here of major proportions, and we need to find out
> Did you just fall off the turnip truck?
> Mr. Holland discussed this at length. What he said was that the original
> intent of Mr. Spence was for the government to have recourse in the event of
> errors on the part of DRMO employees and "generators" within DOD which
> inadvertently allow release
you mean like that big "inadvertent" release of HMMWV's? From
what I hear lots of folks were not very happy with it.
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