To quote Mr Reed:
The Handgun Safety and Registration Act would give the advantage back to the
police by making handgun registration data available to law enforcement in
an easily accessible format.
Mr. President, in addition to improving law enforcement's tracing
capabilities, the Handgun Safety and Registration Act would help prevent
handguns from ending up in the possession of people who are likely to commit
gun crimes. The bill would require registration of all handguns, including
those currently in private possession, and would make it a felony for any
person to transfer a handgun to another individual without prior law
enforcement approval. As it currently does for all NFA weapons, ATF would
conduct a background check on the transferee through the National Crime
Information Center (NCIC), the Treasury Enforcement Communications System
(TECS), and the National Law Enforcement Tracking System (NLETS). This would
provide a clear incentive for all handgun owners and dealers to exercise
great caution when they choose to sell or otherwise transfer a handgun to
another person.
It is my hope that by requiring registration of all handguns under the
National Firearms Act, we can give law enforcement officials the tools to
conduct faster and more reliable tracing of handguns used in crime, and
prevent handguns from falling into criminal hands in the first place. The
Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000 would accomplish these goals
without restricting in any way the possession or sale of hunting rifles or
shotguns used by law-abiding sportsmen across the country.
(End of Quote, from the introduction of this bill before the senate, listed
Well, they want to make all you historic military pistol collectors out
there 'registered' and 'taxed per pistol'.
If you look through the complete wording of the bill, there's no difference
between working and capable of being made to work, or pieces enough to make
one working , or whatever. Complete or components, its the same to the
proposers of this one. Current issue or antique. No exclusions or
exemptions whatsoever.
Now this is the mentality of our duly elected officials, that are supposed
to be looking out for our welfare. Pass all encompassing legislation,
without any thought of the repercussions or the fallout that it will cause.
It's the same kind of wording that is used in describing 'military
equipment', 'significant military equipment', and 'demilitarizing' of this
equipment. They have worded it so as to include practically everything, and
then given themselves the option of adding anything that they didn't think
of. Sec 362 even specified a complete registration system to be
established for all military and surplus equipment that was sold by the
government. Now everybody send in your lists of everything surplus that
you've ever bought. Don't forget to mention everything that you've ever
sold to anybody either! Maybe they won't want the IRS to handle this
particular list though.
I'm beginning to believe that someone is likely going to suggest that
everything that has ever been used by the military or government and sold,
or given away, is going to have to be painted pink with purple polkadots so
that the bureaucrats can easily identify it. And they will want to outlaw
anyone other than the military or government from using any color
combinations they have ever used. Well, I guess that the W.W.II British
Long Range Patrol collectors will be in good company. Their equipment was
painted a shade of pink, if I remember correctly. But, the purple polkadots
might be hard to live with!
You don't think that they would ever consider making it a felony to sell an
ex-military vehicle do you? IF they could get away with it.
But, it really burns me, to actually see in print, that they didn't think
that the public should be informed until well after it was a law. Now, is
that sneaky legislation or what?
Surely, surely this type of political lunacy will be exposed. But, only if
we keep vigilant. Big brother is watching out for our rights. Yeah, right!
Sleep well everybody! Congress is taking care of all!
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