Here is a little history then you go figure
Back in 1946 (I was 12 years old) My uncle went to work for a large mil
surplus dealer in Chicago and I was interested in Ham Radio (still am and am
a Ham) boy was this great as the dealer was one of the bigest in surplus
radio and electronics being his favorite nephew I got so much stuff it was
great and guess what none of it was demilled with little effort it worked.At
that time it was pretty much the sole source of Ham radio equiptment MIL
Surplus.This store he worked at was on Michigan Ave in Chicago there were
other there so it wasnt the only electronics surplus store in that area of
Micigan ave.
In that same area was Mil Veh dealers lots of Jeeps Trucks ect guesswhat
none demilled pleople were buying them as new vehicles were very hard to
get.I remember a large chain of Chicago dept stores(Goldblatts) had
purchased a buch of Stude US 6,s and was selling them they had one parked
out side there store in Hammond In. was it ever neet for a kid to look at
it.And guess what they were not demilled
There was a guy in my neighborhood who did have a lotof money and need a
vehicle to go back and forth to work so he baught a Command Car he built a
body (roof and doors) out of plywood andstuff looked funny but he went to
work and transported his family fine.Guess what the Command Car was not
Back then food was still in short supply and we still planted Gardens to
grow tings to eat and you had to have the garden plowed up in the spring so
some enterprising ex GI wanting to make extra money baught a jeep dont
rememder if it was a GPW or MB but he pulled a plow with it also did other
things for people to make some money that poor JEEP got well used.Guess what
it wasnt demilled
Then enter the M151not much to say here but sure would like to know just how
many were rolled over by the military.I bet not as many as they would like
us to think.
Heck they roll HUMVEE and M35's and other things
Well there are many other stories and I am sure we all have plenty but my
point is when did the massive effort start in distory public property seems
to me in the Last 8 years not trying to be political but think about it.Let
me know what you think its getting me worried I remember the better days
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