RE: My Earlier Comment ( Started as Overwidth, I think)

From: Gary Pavone (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 08:31:24 PDT

I have to agree with Tim. I have been a law enforcement officer for 20 years
and have seen and heard plenty of inaccurate information passed along to the
unsuspecting. This covers everything from directions to law interpretations.
I think this is because most think that any answer is better than saying "I
don't know". An occupational hazard, I'm afraid.

My advice to those needing answers to complicated questions is to ask for
someone who is an expert. Then ask them where you can find the answer to
read for yourself. Most states have "Commercial Officers" that either work
for the state police or some other statewide organization. If you don't have
any such organization in your area, try contacting your motor vehicles
department and asking for a copy of the regulations pertaining to your
situation. This requires some reading, but it is probably the best way to
know for sure what is going on. That's how we (cops) learn the law.

Gary Pavone

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