At 10:02 AM 8/29/00 -0500, Dean L. Kellogg, Jr wrote:
> My father gets a publication from the
>Thunderbird club. They even have a section in their magazine entitled
>"legislative alerts". This section details the legislative threats to the
>old car hobby on a staate by state basis.
It occurs to me that almost every hobby in which I am interested and every
organization to which I belong now has a similar watchdog that alerts its
members via magazines or internet mailings. These hobbies, BTW, include
building models--like model railroading and plastic kits--and collecting old
farm tractors.
It would seem that such a committee for HMVs is overdue.
Steve Allen
Editorial Comment: That even such hobbies as model railroading have to
begin watching pending legislation and becoming aware of laws that impact
them speaks very poorly of our legislatures and the voters who tolerate this
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