IMHO, such alerts and other "protective measures" should not be necessary. Think about it: first, we elect a congress, then we band together and form groups and set in place emergency meaures to protect ourselves from it. (congress) How nuts is this??
I think it's high time that we inform our representatives that we did not elect them to go to DC and behave like a bunch of mutant nazis, and that they better start doing their jobs properly, or BIG changes are in the offing. I suggest that we have some of the legal types here look into using the RICO statutes to prevent more than one or two congressmen from meeting at any time or any place. (consorting with known criminals) Then we need a public forum in which to expose some of this stuff, to shock the voters into rationality. (I was shocked myself to find out how many listers were NOT aware that a good portion of semiautomatic rifles are already banned in many states) All is NOT well with the US, and we the people need to get to the serious task of fixing it. It all starts with your vote. Just remove the offenders and cut off their funds. The hell with analying them, forgiving them, being polite to them, or kissing their asses. It's gone way too far for that. If we can't!
do that, then they better change the bars on the flag to iron ones. My 2 cents!
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