Re: [MV] When they came for the *'s, I said nothing.......

From: Brandon (
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 20:53:41 PDT

Maybe we need to create a resolution to be signed by congress (or the next
non-algore president) that would put Historic Military Vehicles on a
register of historical treasures as a tribute to veterans of all military
actions (note how I deftly include Schwimmwagens and M-series vehicles
here!)....they could then be treated as rolling national monuments.....Oops!
Wait a minute, the government (local, state, or federal) controls what you
do with a historical monument. Too bad if you want to put 7.00 X 16 tires on
your MB....

But seriously folks, is there anything proactive we could do along these
lines????? Put your thinking caps on! Maybe this would put a more positive
spin on the hobby and associate it (in the general public's mind) with
museums like the Smithsonian rather than with "militias" (even though the
constitution seems to encourage those?).

Whaddya think?


----- Original Message -----

Our ability to keep our precoius HMV's rests on the gun battle. If it is
lost, so shortly thererafter are our HMV's

Someone earlier spoke of compromise. Well, if someone has an agenda and they
are willing to compromise with you each time THEY try to restrict or
eliminate your whatever, you will compromise again and again and wind up
with NOTHING!!! Remember, they are the ones always pushing. We are the ones
always compromising...

Force them to compromise by having an AGENDA of our own. Try to get a law or
resolution passed in congress that declares our HMV's an important part of
the history of the United Stated and a living memorial to all those service
men and women who sacrificed they lives, health or futures trying to prevent
(external) enemies from imposing their will upon the American people.

I have been the one in here admonishing everyone to use Historic Military
Vehicles as somewhere down the line it will be very important. We MUST
associate destroying HMV's, or guns for that matter with book burning! Would
someone dare to advocate burning a history book?

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