JeepTransmission and Transfer Case

From: Sean Bathrick (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 15:38:15 PDT

Hi All
I am curious if a T-90A1 transmission will mate with a Spicer 18
transfer case. The Spicer 18 is a GPW case so it has the 3/4 inch
intermediate shaft, and I believe it has a reduction ratio of 1.97:1 vs.
2.46:1 (the Spicer 18 in my M38A1). However, I had always assumed the
T-90 family will bolt right in with any Spicer 18, as the meshing gears
between them is the same, it's the gears from that point to the output
shafts that are different. Is this a wrong assumption? I have heard
from some that you can't do it without changing the gears in the
transfer case. By the way, I am not messing around with the A1's
drivetrain, I am off on another project. Could someone please let me
MVPA 14222
53 M38A1
67 M416
51 M135

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