Re: [MV] [Fwd: [MV] California Legislation]

From: John Doherty (
Date: Sat Sep 19 2009 - 14:02:51 PDT


We wouldn't have to worry about urban camo around here. Typical reaction to
a 'jammed' signal would be 'damned thing don't work', and they'd send it in
for repairs. But, I believe that it'll be a long, long time before Alabama
has to worry about anything like that. The state couldn't justify the
expense. Unless, of course, Uncle provided everything under some sort of
funded controls program.

Why, we still have shotguns and rifles being carried in the back window of
at least 2 out of every 5 pickups on the road. Not to mention all those
long guns being carried in the trunks of cars. Every day site, in these
parts. Nothing out of the ordinary.

We even had a citizen released from a public intoxication charge accused of
stealing the patrol car he was picked up in. It was found a couple of weeks
later, partially stripped and in the Tennessee River back waters. I don't
think the officer was reprimanded for leaving the keys in it and running,
but I can't swear to it.

No, I don't think Alabama will go high tech too soon. They'd have to put
the majority of the state into 'political reeducation camps'. Lots of folks
still consider Montgomery to be 'The' capitol. General Robert E. Lee is
still regarded a lot higher than Lincoln. Somehow though, our neighbor to
the immediate north, who is in office up in the Union Capitol, just doesn't
seem to be considered one of the 'good ol boys', to an awful lot of his
truly "Southern" constituents. Some older folk around here have actually
accused him of being a "Yankee sympathizer". But, that's putting it
politely. Most often the reference comes with the resultant mix of the
horse and donkey offspring being mentioned. And that little old lady
commented on how nice my long beard looked, and how it reminded her of her
grandfather's picture in his confederate cavalry hat. (True story, no

But, like I said, it'll be a long, long time before the population around
here will give up and roll over for it ever happening. Just too many
'historical military vehicles' being driven as daily drivers in these parts.
Lots of hill folk still put away that game for 'hard times acoming'. Some
still don't even consider Kalifornie part of these here United States. Them
folks is just plain "touched in the head" strange out there. The smartest
thing they ever did was to get that WWF wrestler involved to "straighten 'em
all out". Too many surfers gawking at "half necked" girlies on the beach,
according to the little old lady previously mentioned.

No, it'll be a long time coming, to north Alabama, at least. Why, we're
liable to have to secede from the Union again, if we have too!

Grab the squirrel guns! Them revenuers are coming again Cletus!

Just for laughs guys, I am actually edu-ma-cated!


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