[MV] was:Calif legislation Now: Green Scout

From: Raimondo L. Torelli (thealamo@iigbna.iigb.na.cnr.it)
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 06:30:05 PDT

At 22.24 19/09/00 -0700, TJ wrote:
>Texas just ain't big enough! Besides we are gonna pump some of that
>rainwater over here.
>And.....in a MilVeh topic.......I just want everyone to know that the
Scout Car's chassis is now
>A L L G R E E N ! (and in the proper paint code, I might add!)

Sep 20 2000


The Scout frame is all green (O.D. I suppose!). My compliments!!!
I have followed your postings concerning your sandblasting.

Again: Auguri!

Remember The Alamo!
(I have been to San Antonio/The Alamo in 1996 and 1997: I dream to come
again for the Feb-March celebrations. Who knows? May be next year...)

Raimondo - MVPA 15878 & IMPS 2320

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