Re: [MV] Dummy Weapons

From: Ron (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 09:15:27 PDT

Hi Howard and list:
    Gotta disagree with you Howard. I own guns and belong to NRA/GOAL and
believe in 2nd Amendment rights. But chance of bad press resulting from
accident/theft of real weapon during HMV activity/display is just plain
dumb. Press wants juicy sound bite or picture to grab guts of viewing public
as lead off story. Your attitude plays right into the hands of the Brady
Bunch ( give gun owners enough rope and they'll hang THEMSELVES). Face it ,
feces occurs.(sierra hotel india tango happens)
    Do the HMV hobby a big favor and leave the real weapons at home when you
go to meets, rallies or cruising, or eventually you will be able to stay at
home and look at photo albums of what you use to be able to drive and
collect . My opinion, which like anal orifices,everyone has.

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