Pardon me, just asking a question...
not intending to start an ugly rumor.
> > I was talking to a buddy of mine the
> > other day and he said that years ago
> > a person could take their POV to a
> > place on post and they would camoflage
> > it for a small fee (practice?). He said
> > this was at Ft. Devens.
> >
> > Anyone know if they (the military) still
> > does this?
> I don't mean to be rough here but this is a very good textbook example of
> how RUMORS get started. First, anyone who would say or believe this would
> have to have an IQ in the very low zeros! Secondly, NO ONE in the
> is allowed to take money or work on anything not related to US Government
> procedures. There is NO facility on any military base who has the
> to take money (or is equipped for that matter) for any non-related
> work on any item not military related, and there never has been! This
> be a serious FELONY that would put a GI in jail. And certainly at last
> not least, a camo job makes a vehicle invisible; IF the person driving the
> vehicle has an accident and the camo contributed to the accident-GUESS
> WHAT?!! AM General WILL NOT sell any civilian Humvee with a camo job.
> Their legal department POSITIVELY FORBIDS THIS. Just think of the
> legal/liabilities here and who comes up with these ideas anyway? GI's
> specific MOS's (jobs) to do and working on POV's is NOT one of them. I
> would sooner go in and ask to buy GI parts! At least when the MP's cart
> away you could explain to them where you heard this one. Let's stop this
> rumor in the bud now! Julian Burke
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