Re: [MV] Gama goat sale

From: chance wolf (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 08:14:53 PDT

At 02:43 AM 9/25/00 -0400, Emmett Thompson wrote:
>The M-561 is in the DRMO hit list along with the M-151. Although a few made
>it thru the cracks and some were accuired by the forrestry service and fire
>several fire departments then sold to john Q public insted of being returned
>to the US GOVT like the were supposed to. If you buy one of these with a
>title you can transfer the title to your name and get it regestered in most
>states that I know of. I do know that parts are drying up fast, it seems
>that Mexico accuired quite a few from the US and have run out of parts and
>are buying up ALL of the NOS and used goat parts from the MV suppliers IE;
>RivRad. If you own a goat it would be a good idea to bid on these vehicles
>just to part them out. You are not going to find the steering boxes and
>brake drums ( just a few of the odd ball items known only to the goat ). If
>they were selling these goats In the south east I would be happy to bid on
>all three for some much needed spare parts.

I inspected those Goats when I was last down there. They are ex-Forestry
service units (one with a very pretty home-made wooden placard adorning
the windshield reading "Norm's Goat") which have *really* been through
hell and back, though seem mechanically complete for the most part (some
steering stuff stolen as I recollect, plus assorted minor odds and sods.)

Dr. Mo listed them as Demil Code 'Q', which, like those 151 FAV's that
showed up earlier, would seem to indicate no demil is involved. I know
a couple of those Goats sold at the last sale for comparitively few $$$, but
don't know if the buyer had to demil the things or not. However, DRMO
Lewis folks did say that as far as they were concerned, and despite the
catalog listing, the standing O's for Gama demil would remain in effect.

Hasn't Forestry released intact Gamas in the past without going through
Dr. Mo??

Andy Hill
MVPA 9211
Vancouver, B.C.

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