WC12 Parts

From: OConnor, Dennis (DOconnor@SIKORSKY.COM)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 15:39:01 PDT

        If anybody could use some WC12 parts and lives in between CT and MN,
along the major highway type route if possible, please let me know. My Dad
will be delivering parts to John Bizal in the next week or so and if he can
squeeze it in the back of the pickup truck with John's stuff maybe we can
all help each other.
        Also, if you have some interesting GPW/MB project/parts vehicle
laying about that needs a new home maybe he could make a deal and drag it
home on his way back. If that were to be possible then he'd be dragging the
trailer and then I can offer somebody a great deal on a 1/2 ton rolling
chassis with a bad frame but good running gear.
        Need to know ASAP if any interest.

Dennis O'Connor

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