Thanks Richard,
Someone else emailed the same info., suggesting I use the old address.
I wonder why the administrators have not seen the problem.
I've sent them "four" emails, wherein I asked them to, "please help me to
subscibe to this message site. Either the regular or digest mode?
The first response was two words... which were,
Hey, I'm new at this, I replied!
A member of the administration team read my plea for help getting started...
as I posed four straight forward questions, and the person who replied, his
name was TOM BAUER... His "only" answer to my call for help in subscribing
to the list... was two simple words which were,
"To What" followed by the blank white page?
I re-read all four questions to my wife. After reading each question to her,
I answered with Tom B's exact answer, "TO WHAT."
These two words were totally anal!
Richard, all I can say is, I hope this "Tom" guy is not on the payroll...
because I would fire his rear end out into the street... forever!
His answer was "Totally" unconcerned and "totally" professionally rude and
I immediately responded to the site manager. (Authur)
Who politely responded back with at least two answers to my four.
I've since emailed two more messages to the site manager... and NO response
at all?
I can't figure them out.
Two points here.
Possibly, they get so much inquiry from us... that "they" just can't get to
all of their voluminous email?
If they indeed do have too much mail... it's because they are not addressing
the problem... the computer quirks, etc!
On a final note, I tried the "skylee" address around lunch time. Ten hours
later nothing has apperared on the "October monthly site. I did receive a
copy of my email, as obviously, you have received an email too!
Right now, I don't know whether or not this will go only to you and I don't
know how to post my REPLY / answer on the main monthly list????
Perhaps, I should also send a copy to the skylee address?
Yes !
Thanks heaps, for your info.
Robert Pearson.
Upstate, NY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Notton" <>
To: "Rob Pearson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] JEEP comes to life after sitting for 28 years....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rob Pearson" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:19 PM
> Subject: [MV] JEEP comes to life after sitting for 28 years....
> > First, Hello to all listers:
> > I am having the worst time trying to get into posting a message on this
> site
> >
> Many of us are as there seems to be a problem with the new domain name, I
> have passed all the info onto the list operator, however if you mail to
> old address
> you will have no trouble, I simply change the reply address before
> Richard
> Southampton - England
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