At 09:48 AM 10/5/00 -0400, Henry J. Fackovec wrote:
>Hey all:
>Thankfully the glorious M151 does not closely bear resemblance to the
> in that I am 6'4", and will admit to 250 lbs, and can not even
>get into a wwii jeep.
>This weekend a list member who shall remain nameless got married,
>I was assisting in the organization and procession. The bride was to be
>transported in a GPW (Maybe an MB (They all look alike)). The son who was to
>drive the jeep flooded it, and I had to try to get in, (Mind you , wearing a
>tight tux, with a very sharp camo vest and tie). and start the little beast.
>I finally was able to hook my right leg around the wrong side of the stick
>shift, and leaned out the drivers door while holding onto the windshield top
>to start the thing<G>.
>Hank the contorsunist! <sp>
>Lots of M151 series trucks
some times it mite be nice to have one that was starched a ft in the
drivers leg room part
too bad that would make them worthless to 99% the HMV keepers
i would not like to see that did too a cherry one
ps: i'm 6 ft and 350 lbs or soo
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