Re: [MV] Politics

From: Mel Miller (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 07:46:56 PDT

Rough Doc makes a point which I heartily indorse.

> "The argument about the letter only getting to the staffer is usually correct,
> but irrelevant. If you think the staffer isn't informing his boss when he
> gets 500 letters on a particular subject, you are wrong. At the Federal
> level, most politicians equate one written and mailed letter with 400 votes."

I would like to add that calls to the staffer handling the particular
legislation for the legislator also are noted. Sometimes on short fuse
items near the end of legislative sessions one cannot afford to keep
calling back to reach the person himself and a staffer is the only
chance to get your opinion noted. Often the staffer has better knowledge
of a bill than the legislator and they are more willing to take the time
to engage in thoughtful consideration of the points you raise on an issue.

I have lately had substantive conversations with staffers on proposed
bills affecting HMV and non HMV issues. Sometimes I have been told that
they have received a high volume of calls/letters on the subject. I
allways am told that my views will be noted, even by offices which I
know are philosophically opposed to my views.

Everything helps - calls, letters, personal contact with staffers and
Congresspersons/Senators - everything. Go ahead - make those calls.

Mel Miller
2 X M725

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