John, just a quick note,
The DRMO people are great, and many of the see waist they don't like also.
The mil will always have surplus, nature of the size.
The reference to the $10 jeep may not be "fact" but was advertised in many
all over the country a few years back as a hook to sell info on how to do
mil auctions.
I think too many people started asking "How can this be?"
At the height of this advertising "scam" the demil code on the $10 jeeps
made them scrap,
with a fine if you rebuild em.
What they (far above DRMO) don't want is people (general un-informed public)
"How can this be".
-----Original Message-----
From: John Hutterer []
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 8:33 AM
To: 'Rikk Rogers';
Subject: RE: [MV] Conversation with Mr. Holland
I have to take issue with some of the things that you said in this posting.
I haven't saved all of your previous postings, but I understand that you
recently won a bid for an M35A2. Yes, it originally cost the government
almost $47,000, but it is now about 20-25 years old, isn't it? You got it
for a small investment, but you seem to feel that you may have to put as
much as another $5000 into it to get it back into really good condition,
plus the fact that you can't drive it away, right now, because of fuel
system problems.
You ask how the DOD can justify selling this truck, rather than rebuilding
it. I understand that some are being rebuilt, into the A3 version. Also, it
is my impression that the military has had a new class of vehicles designed
for it (FMTV, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles) that will ultimately
replace the 2 1/2 and 5 ton trucks. As these are fielded, the older stuff is
surplused. Personally, I'm quite happy with the arrangement. It allows
collectors to obtain vehicles at prices that they can afford, and keeps
these historical vehicles in operation.
I've only been involved with this hobby for a couple of years, so my
experience is limited. Maybe some other list member would be willing to
comment on the availability of "$10.00 jeeps". I'm sure that prices were
lower in the past, but were they ever that low?
You mention that DOD doesn't want "this kind of oversight" and that they
would rather see all of the surplus material go out as scrap. You also
mention that the people at the DRMO were extremely helpful in trying to get
your new truck started, and, I imagine, they will continue to be just as
helpful to others. Are these the people who don't want the oversight? Maybe
it's the people in the DRMO office that are afraid of oversight. How about
the ones who work at Battle Creek, MI? Are you just referring to some group
of nameless, faceless, Washington bureaucrats? If so, what evidence do you
have that "they" would rather see government surplus sold for scrap prices,
rather that to the highest bidder.
You are entitled to your opinions and musings, and I don't intend that my
reply should be taken as a personal attack on you, but I was having a hard
time accepting some of your conclusions. The DRMO system isn't perfect, but
it seems to be a fair and reasonable method for disposing of surplus
government property, and allowing us to pursue our hobby in an affordable
-----Original Message-----
From: Rikk Rogers []
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Conversation with Mr. Holland
I can tell you a story....
Some years back the company my wife works for wanted some legislation passed
that just made sense.
One particular was against it, so, being in the sales/Marketing dept she put
together a call/letter campaign.
After a time the legislator called her and told her to call of the dogs,
he respected her side of things but was not going to change his vote.
The legislation passed any way.
I would say we can surly still have effect.
Now on the "as to why" front.
Look as this from the DoD's prospective,
I just bought a M35A2 for "NOTHING" (ok a very few $) if I put $5000 in to
it will be as good as it was new.
The new price to DoD was $46750.00, how can they justify selling me this
truck instead of rebuilding it?
They do not want this kind of oversight.
This is why the $10 jeeps went away.
They would like far more like to have it all go out as scrap than to have
any one see what is happening.
Just my general musings........
Rikk Rogers
RK Lion LTD.
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 8:43 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Conversation with Mr. Holland
I just got off the phone a little while ago with Lee
Holland. He called to let me know, and pass on to
everyone here, that the information I gave out this
morning about Sec. 361 of HR5205 being dead is basic+
correct. The MVPA is waiting until the final legislation
has passed before claiming victory, however, and that is
why they have made no formal announcement. In Washington
things sometimes happen at the last minute. He said the
update is written and is just awaiting his word before
being posted. He also detailed to me the numerous trips
to Washington that he has made and the meetings he has
attended. The MVPA and Mr. Holland have been working
pretty hard at this, although they have not been letting
that fact be known perhaps as well as some of us would
like it ot be.
He also told me that they have decided to retain the
lobbyist that they have been working with, and I believe
that is the right choice. He said, and I fully agree,
that this is not the last chapter of this fight and we
will see more attempts at this in the future. I also
asked him if any "offensive" proposals for legislation
are being considered, and he said that they are indeed
considering lobbying for some type of protective
legislation for HMV's. This being the case I feel much
better about where my money is going and will most
likely send more.
He also stressed that this has cost the MVPA a whole lot
of money, and that in order to keep our presence known
in Washington we will have to maintain membership at the
9000-9200 mark to keep the funds coming in.
In regard to the issue of individuals write or calling
their representatives, he said that the lobbyist seemed
to think it was not very effective, as most of the
letters only make it as far as the staff members. I have
to wonder, however, what lobbyist would tell you that
you can get results without using them. The impression I
got from Sen. Helms staffer this morning was that the
individual calls and letter were effective, and
obviously I made enough of an impression for them to
call me back several weeks later with results, so I
guess we will have to disagree on this one. I believe
both approaches are needed.
I also asked him where this language originated, and he
said that all he knew was that it came from within the
DOD, and he had heard numerous different stories as to
why it was originated,basically the same ones that have
circulated on this list. I believe some more detective
work is needed on that end, because bureaucrats like to
remain anonymous, and a few(non-hostile) letters and e-
mails may make the originator of this think before
he/she tries it again. As Barney Fife said "nip it in
the bud!"(Note- this is my opinion, not Mr. Hollands, we
did not discuss this at length)
In all, it looks like we have won this time. I fear,
however, that we are seeing the beginning of the same
fight for collectors of HMV's as we have seen since 1968
for gun owners, and we will have to be forever vigilant
from now on. I hope I am wrong.
I wish I had had more time to speak with him, but was
unable to talk longer due to a prior engagement. I was
very impressed both by the fact that he took the time to
call me and by the amount of work that he has done on
our behalf.
Tim in NC
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