One last note before I hit the hay (leaving for reily at 4:30 am)
We all have heard about the SF 97 problem, a call from ALL will help a lot
tomorrow morning.
The #s are,
Battlecreek at 616-961-7350 and let them know this IS a problem,
we should be able to get it fixed.
The sale was 31-0339, Item 0068, 2-1/2 ton cargo truck.
The people to talk to are (forgive spelling errors)
Becky Bolinger ext.7079 handling sale while Ann Issel is out.
George Nastasu?? ext.7534
Tom Legrey ext.7284 Marketing for DRMO I think.
I talked to Barry Chapman at I think 7474, Head of Finance DRMO.
My solution is simple, Create information based on what we know,
1. AM General Bought the companies that made the M35A2's.
2. The M35A2 was mfg from a date to a date.
Please take time to dial!
Rikk Rogers
RK Lion LTD.
MVPA -22345-
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