Re: [MV] The over-rev......

From: ken uhrick (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 23:32:46 PDT

the gas pedel should return too the idal mode
i have seen some trucks useing a tarp strap for a return spring
on the fuel pump

At 11:56 PM 10/12/00 -0500, Rikk Rogers wrote:
>Whomever knows......
>1. When the "Timing window cover" is in place how does the "Fuel shutoff rod
>engage with the Fuel control unit assembly?
>2. Should the "Fuel control unit assembly" stay where you put it, or does it
>have some
>kind of "return spring / action?
>2a. if yes where is the "spring / whatever" located? (not the spring on the
>"Fuel shutoff rod assembly")
>or is it?
>We can start the engine and sort of control it with the Fuel control unit
>but it stays where you put (with some drag).
>Is this part behaving correctly?
>I'm looking at page 3-28, Figure 3-36 in TM 9-2910-226-34.
>Rikk Rogers
>RK Lion LTD.
>MVPA -22345-
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