Hi Bob.
> I was just thinking about storage issues for my GPW, as it will likely be
> sitting for a little while this winter.
> Good/Bad/indifferent to jacking it up and supporting the vehicle with jack
> stands on the frame to relieve tension on wheels and springs?
Good idea for any vehicle sitting for prolonged periods of time. Not being
fully accustomed with GPW's I am at a loss as to whether the springs are
able to stretch. But certainly place on frame stands to relieve pressure,
just don't lift it right off the ground.
> Should I burn off all the gas in my tank or fill it up and add some
> preservative? If good to use a preservative, what works and is generally
> available at your friendly neighborhood parts store, as opposed to some
> order stuff?
Gas preservative's can be a touchy subject as some work well and others
don't. PPC (Permanent Painted Coatings) or your local POR15 dealer produce a
product which works well for me. But there are plenty of Fors and Againsts
for this topic. Personally if the vehicle is easy to prime, then run it dry
but remove the spark plugs and place a minute quantity of lube to keep
things from drying out.
> Any battery issues? Remove and set aside? Change oil now or wait till
> beginning of next season?
Always disconnect the battery. It will last longer if made to work once and
a while however. The oil can wait unless it is suspected of being thick and
sludgy. Naturally the time for maintenance is whilst the vehicle is not
being used, so the oil can be changed whenever, however remember to always
change the oil when it is HOT.
> Any other ideas about storing the vehicle so that it will look and run
> as good as it does right now? The vehicle is garaged.
You might want to place a material cover over the vehicle. There are
products similar to car polish that you can put on the vehicle whilst it is
not being used and you rub it off before use, it aparently forms a barrier
between the paint and dust etc. (but I have more important things to spend
my money on). Now is the perfect time to treat seats and other fabric on the
vehicle. Leather seats for eg. Beeswax or similar to keep the leather from
spliting or cracking. Even Canvas dries out and needs looking after.
For long periods of storage block any vent holes etc. Over in New Zealand we
have Wasps, insects and other nasties that love making nests in the smallest
of holes. After a long time in the garage a friend of mine took his car out
for a drive. Being a particularly hot day, he switched the fan on and
promptly dived out of the car as the interior filled up with bees. Seemingly
the vent ducts had proved a nice place to start a nest. Spiders have the
tendancy to block up carburetors also.
Also thin films of oil protect metal parts from rust as Firearm owners will
tell you.
Don't store your vehicle with the brakes on and if you can release the
brakes slightly, this will stop them locking on whilst the vehicle is
Also now would be a good time to grease any joints and moving parts. Not
only will it stop them from drying out, but in your haste to get her out of
the garage come spring, you will not be driving down the road wondering what
that funny grinding sound is.
Have a good winter (it's summer over here)
Adam North
RNZAF Police Ret.
Demonware Restorations
1919 Indian Power Plus (could be military scheme, but undecided)
1941 M741B Indian
1942 M741B Indian
88' Landrover NZSTG
Type 82 Kubelwagon
Steyr Type 1500A Kommandeurwagon
PzKpfw V Ausf. G Replica
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