At 12:47 PM 10/15/00 +0000, Todd Logan wrote:
>Howdy List;
>I don't know about all M-8 series trucks, but the old one I had with
>full-time 4 wheel drive, and my current truck converted to part-time 4 wheel
>drive both get around 10 mpg. The early 318 is underpowered @110 horsepower,
>but still has lots of work to do hauling around a 5000 pound truck. As a
>side note, I changed over to a newer 360 and got about 13 mpg.
If convention to part time would get my 50-100% more mpg's
I'l look into making the convertion
what transfer cases will bolt up to that transmission
the locking hubs i know the chivy parts from the spendals out will do
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