Little things can getcha

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 00:35:31 PDT

Hi list,

Don't have much to report on the progress of the Scout as real-life intrudes
upon my hobby with frightening regularity lately.

I did go so far as to fire off a check to Portrayal Press for the complete
works of Shakespear, Scout Car style. I won't offer the total but if you're
curious, just go to their website, add 'em up and include $8 for shipping.
(OUCH!) I am particularly interested in perusing the Scout Car History and
Development, which will no doubt be extremely short and singularly
uninformative (gee I hope not.) AND....I have my doubts that I'll ever need
the Ordnance book of part numbers but we needed the one for the Nimitz DUKW
when preparing it for the water, so who knows. If nothing else, it should
look impressive sitting around the Last Chance Garage......might even get
some folks to thinkin' that I know what I'm doing around here! (he grins)
Oh, and for you naysayers, Gary Odell called me back tonight
(pthththbptpbtpbt.....raspberrys at ya!).....of course I wasn't home
(krikey!) so we'll play phone tag until one of us scores.
My thanks to those of you kind enough to respond with the info on the
wheels.....I am investigating those leads! Gracias, amigos.

Jim, thanks again for having me over. Really enjoyed finally meeting you!

Keep em rollin'

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