If there is anybody in the group who has any experience with M-578's I would
really appreciate talking with you.
After putting in a new set of batteries ($377.00 WOW!) I get absolutely
nothing out of the thing. No lights, buzzers, fans......nothing. Prior to
battery removal, old ones, at least some of the do-dads tried to perform.
Now it is the worlds largest paper weight! We have double and triple
checked that the battery cables were hooked back up correctly. We made a
diagram prior to removing the old ones. All posts and terminals have been
cleaned and brushed. All connections are tight. Still nothing. It is as
if there was a big switch somewhere that is turned off, only we don't have
anything like that. At least we did not turn off anything like that prior
to the exercise.
I am at a loss and would really like to hear from any knowledgeable
individuals out there. I have this nagging sense that it is some really
stupid thing that has been overlooked, but for the life of me I can not
figure out what.
David & Donna Brubaker
Member MVPA
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