Wings Over Houston Airshow

From: Turman, David C. (
Date: Tue Oct 24 2000 - 15:13:39 PDT

        Well, we just had the Airshow at Ellington field over the weekend.
They do a reenactment of Pearl Harbor (called, what else,,
        Tora, Tora,Tora) and our group, The 6th Cavalry Historical
Association, once again portrayed the ground troops during the
        attack. We went out on the runway with an M2 Halftrack, an M8, a
1943 Ford Army Firetruck, a WC52 Weapons Carrier,
        and about 8 or so MB/GPW Jeeps, some with machine guns on them. It
was a lot of fun, and my 11 year old son and his
        13 year old nephew were in heaven out there, in uniform, shooting at
the Zeros and dying like heros. We had a B17, about
        3 P51's, Hellcats, Zeros, B25s and B24s.....just about everything a
grow (ha, ha0 man could ask for!

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