Coca Cola....the real thing

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 10:04:49 PST

Hi list,
As I am a reformed Coca-holic I thought I would add my two bits.
Coke (the drink) contains a fair amount of phosphoric acid.... Yep, that's
right! It's right on the label. That's what does the job on the rust. By
the way, it WILL screw up your stomach too if you drink too much of it
(voice of experience speaking).

As for lamp assemblies.....I suppose you could pour some Coke in
there....but why? Most chemical supply houses will sell you a gallon of
X-percent phosphoric acid (if that is what you feel you must use) for less
than $5. Less clean up that way, too....unless you don't mind a few ants
taking up residence in your lamp assemblies (they love the sugar)!

Personally, I think I would gut the assembly of the offending socket and
carefully put a new one in. Trying to use the old socket (especially if it
has turned to crap) would be asking for more trouble down the road. So, if
you MUST have working blackout lights....why not fix em right?

Praying for one good dry day...that's all I need.

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