Re: [MV] MV blackout lites

From: Antoine (
Date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 22:37:11 PST

Try "Magic Lube" a teflon-base sealant-lubricant
great to seal O-rings and the like! Available at all the swimming pool
supply stores (Leslie's in California, for instance). Made by
Aladdin-something in Sarasota, FL.

Also: The French Army for their M201 Jeeps came up with a nifty idea,
to replace the WWII service lights sealed units. It's like a "Y"
contraption consisting of one bulb socket (to fit the bucket)
branching out to two other regular bulb sockets one for the tail
light, the other one for the stop light. They also came up with
inserts for the service red oval glass and the B-O lights, these are
made of aluminium and have a separation for top and bottom that fits
tight in the bucket. I used both service lights doo-dads in my MB,
because it allowed me to use higher wattage bulbs. They fit fine in
Guide or CB or Yankee buckets.]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brandon" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] MV blackout lites

> By the way, does anyone have a good (meaning inexpensive) source for
> Silicone grease?
> Thanks,
> BK
> ----- Original Message -----
> We never put the composite light covers on without giving them a
coat of the
> silicone grease over the "O" rings -- and also give the bulbs a coat
of the
> grease over the brass bases !!
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