I came in late to this topic but I was curious if you had fully
trouble-shot the glow plug system. Those systems are NOTORIOUS for
failing in one of many ways. A relatively simple in theory glow plug
system that pre warms the indirect injection precombustion chambers in
the heads in order to give a cold chamber that much more of a chance to
ignite a low flash point heavy fuel.
Are you sure the injection pump (another notorious failing point to
these engines) isn't delivering fuel? Also, if you were to purchase an
injection pump you should call a reputable refurbishing shop or even
better find one of the many surplused pumps that were out on the market
a couple years ago and were selling for about $290. The best source for
information on the engine system is the "6.2/6.5L DieselPage" on the
internet. 99% of the problems you have had or will have can be
researched and solved quickly and less expensively by getting to know
that website....No, I don't recall the address but it can be quickly
found via a websearch. All you hard start resolve information has been
carefully outlined over there and for around $20 a year for membership
you save HUNDREDS in mistakes. Diesel technology is very simple but most
sources of advice are unreliable and costly (EX: A $25 gear costs a poor
soul $1,400 in incorrect diaganoses and work).
Good luck from an EX-CUCV owner,
( I'll always keep the trusty M42 Command truck!)
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