Re: [MV] Ram tanks, Skink tanks etc.

From: chance wolf (
Date: Sun Nov 05 2000 - 10:31:37 PST

----- Original Message -----
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Ram tanks, Skink tanks etc.

> ***** Many years ago to an MV collector in Canada who obtained a
> half-track and rebuilt it. Guess what. COme registration time the owner
> objected to someone having taken their vehicle and laid claim to it. If
> someone took a CMP that you were storing on a friend's farm and rebuilt it
> without your knowledge, I am sure you would be upset. The money spent is
> irrelevant if it is not yours.

Eyaah...not to use my friend Colin as a pincushion, but there's more to this
than can be summed up in a single paragraph <wink>.

The collector in question (who has since evidently gone out of military
entirely) hauled this...this....pile of scrap out of the tall weeds
somewhere, where
it had last been used for some sort of logging purpose, as I recall,
it from the fellow who owned the land or allotment or whatever.

Well, said collector restores the thing, and _then_ does the title search on
it in
the attempt to get it registered. The DMV will not give out the name of the
_registered_ previous owner, but offers to contact the RO-of-record and have
contact the collector. When that finally occurs, it turns out that the
owner was some three owners back, but as those operating these things as
skidders in the nowheres seldom bother with filling anything out in
the necessary bureacratic paper trail was not in place, and the 'registered'
now smelling a windfall at the expense of others, "wanted his halftrack

Different scenario from the 309, but yes, there are certainly some
parallels, I
suppose. As far as the Navy's position on long-submerged aircraft wrecks
goes - untenable, IMO.

Andy Hill
MVPA 9211
Vancouver, B.C.

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