Re: [MV] 2 ½ ton and 5 ton AirPacs andCCKW hydravacs

Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 13:53:14 PST

Darn good answer you gave. Another thing they don't realize is that you might
find some really good parts in a tri-wall box loaded with junk. Maybe two or
three other pallets of assorted good and junk, but in order to get those good
parts, you have to bid the lot. In some cases there's stuff in there of no
value to you, but you know someone else might want it, so you have
to outbid them, or
at least try to. This has been my experience, so I just quit doing parts.
Like I
found some of those elusive primary fuel filters for a deuce, but there was so
much other stuff in the box, I didn't go for it as it would've made the
filter price
pretty high.
Joe Young

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