Let's all get a life... This is not even worth constant replies that are
coming through on this subject..
One guy makes money, so what...
The next sells something at a lower price So what!
Hey listers
These guys are in business.
Everyone in business "must" make a profit otherwise they're just playing
with their ... with their, with their ...own egos ???
For my 2 cents worth, many subjects on this list are most often" put into
the, "WHO CARES" file
...both "On" topic and "Off" topic !
Case in point... someone sends to the list, a message... then, the message
upsets other listers ...so the topic of the next few days, basically is the
message going in circles?
"Are the dealers good guys or not"
"Of course they are!
...we are all good guys, aren't we?
Except, of course those among us who are cheats, bounders, liars, thieves,
cads, and con men!
Yep, ..some of you say to me... then, "don't read it"!
I don't have to read the crap and most, most, most often, I don't!
I file this stuff "real quick", along with apparent recent stories about
However, it would be nice if "silly" subjects could "just be left alone"
They would instatntly "die" by themselves, with that first and only
And, while I am at this,
I HATE turkey.
Give me a severed piece of a dead cows rib cage any day! T-Bone for me!
Now an important question or two, here...
Are these rich dealers from Miami Dade or Broward counties...?
Are they Rich Republicans ?
Are they Demoncrats, disenfranchised from the "parts" they sell, not
interested in the MV heritage... just in it for the money ?
Would our votes even count?
'Ol Jeep Breath
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