Re: [MV] Rich dealers/poor dealers

From: Stephen Flynn (
Date: Thu Nov 23 2000 - 11:36:45 PST

As this interest grows so will demand.As the supply reaches new highs
and limits it will cost more.A fact we who have older vehicles accept,
within reason.The challenge is to over come resentments so as to leave
free the ability to enjoy life.Shopping for parts is a major part of the
fun for me.I am in no hurry to part with my money so dealer beware,keep
it simple.Finding away to over come financial problems in the function
and restoration of my vehicle again is all part of the hobby .They
warned me it would cost!!! How to stay affluent and still have fun is
every American's ( other___)day to day lot.No no no ,not credit
cards...! What helps is the phrase, ''can I live without it''?
Net working is why we have clubs.Bugger dealer worries,who's life is it

Be happy now be satisfied and dry your bitter tear,my loving you'll
remember now for many a many a year.....

Happy Thanksgiving,across the world.

Content in rainy Oregon,
Steve WC51

How abuot that e-bay......ouch!

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