106mm seat n water can

From: KBDewey 42GPW (dirtman42GPW@webtv.net)
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 08:10:56 PST

All I have a seat for the M825 (106mm recoilless rifle veh on an M151 A2
chassis, per pix in Mil Veh Mag Issue 72, pg 71.) This type of seat was
mounted on both fenders and faces inboard. The seat back folds down and
on this one there is an additional cushion to sit on mounted on the seat
back. It is in very good condition, painted camo. Asking $75 plus
shipping. (that's less than what I paid for it) Also have a white
(NATO?) water/hot food can (latch down lid) in good shape, no date
stamped on it manufactured by US Metal Container Co. a little bit of
rust on edges $10 . If no one interested I might try ebay. TKS Later K

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