You're better off not replying to such an email.
Marketers use 'eye catching' sites and subject lines in order to draw a
reply. And typically its done by an automated system. When you reply, they
can back track your email address and that of your ISP in order to come up
with legitimate addresses for their 'mailing lists'. (Makes you want to
turn 'cookies' off when surfing.) Which they may use to sell to others, or
to follow up with additional mailings on their own. Sometimes the intended
product or email has nothing at all to do with the original 'hit' piece of
spam. It's just a trick to get valid addresses. If someone replies to one
of these automatic mailouts, they know the address is valid.
Best just to delete those 'iffy' ones without opening them up. ESPECIALLY
if they have an attachment.
Words to keep your computer alive by.
John Doherty
I've been working on computers since '84, professionally, and still get hit
on occasion.
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