I work in IT too... not a problem with your last mail... it's a constant
problem where I work trying to tell people NOT to post such messages to
For everyone else...
It's the ultimate "virus"... one person gets a message in an organisation
about the latest "virus" that tells them to "email to everyone you know"...
they email to 200 people, who in turn email to 200 people who in turn email
to another 200... and wahey... the mail server crashes because it's been
over resourced.....
So heed well... if you get a message - even from a friend about the latest
virus... check with an anti-virus company like symantec to see if it's true,
if it is... then please tell the rest of us... giving us the address to
connect to for the official info.
AND Please... this is no Flame either... just a plea from someone working
with around 15,000 email users just like "us"... (I lost count how many in
my company have email... we employ 70,000)... my "200" example is actually
way short of the real number, and our email servers have a mere average of
30gb of disk space.... but the panic emails from "everyone in the address
book" to "everyone in the address book" can easily kill the largest of mail
servers in a matter of a couple of hours.... and our servers OFF-LINE cost
around 1,000 GBP per hour... so any down time is significant.
Also - I make a habit of NEVER opening and running ANY file attachments
without copying them to disk and running them against a dedicated,
non-networked 486 processor machine running solely an anti-virus package...
so for anyone concerned about virus etc... pop out and get an old 486
capable of running Windows 95... you ought to be able to get one for around
100 gbp or less... a bargain! Infact if I havent asked for an email with an
attachment, I delete the attachment and ask the sender to re-send the email
if the attachment was genuine.
Obligatory MV content.... Anyone have any 75mm Pack Howitzer, M8 Carriage,
Spare Parts (anything), Manuals, Tools, Cleaning Kit etc....
Summer of 44 Living History Group -
Bletchey Park Military Vehicle Group -
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