Military Collector Group Post
INVITATION; Aug.8/2000
Dear Military Equipment/History Affectionate
In early 1997, quite by accident, a military equipment collectors forum
developed from my address book. Here we traded secrets, & equipment.
Shared problems, wants, needs & sources. And most importantly, argued the
history our equipment contributed to.
This network arose from the countless questions I received every day
about military radio equipment. Though I've had fooled some into thinking
I knew everything, I really didn't. Thus I'd forward those messages I
couldn't answer on to persons that might be of assistance. As time went
on & the number of people in my address book grew, I just began
forwarding everything of possible interest to the group which now
includes hundreds of collectors, re-enactors, museums, historians, etc.
the world over.
Since that time, our group has progressed far beyond what anyone could
have guessed. No longer is the group just a bunch of people in my address
book, and no longer are we confused by a multitude of random messages
received several times a day. Instead a daily publication has evolved
that deals with topics of interest to all including in depth articles on
the history & development of this equipment, members want's & trade's,
sources for materials and equipment, questions & answerers, and much
Now, not only is there our regular daily magazine,"Military Collector
Group Post", but two special publications have also developed. The first
is the "Paper Trail" posted each Saturday morning. It includes a listing
of all the printed material that's either in need of, or available from
all members. The Second is the "Group Wants and Trade", posted each
Sunday morning this is a listing of each member's want's and available
Once you've responded as instructed below you will be sent a list of
"Guide Lines" which will tell you exactly how you can participate.Special
note, this is not a List Server, or Reflector, you will not be simply a
"Subscriber" but a member of a very select and dedicated group of people.
(a list of selected articles published in the "Military Collector Group
Post", can be seen at:
An itemized list of topics we have published may be seen at: )
While it is secondary to our goals, in past months we have been able to
use group buying power, contacts, expertise, & opportunities to make lot
quantity purchases of equipment, some imported from Australia, Italy and
other countries. Some of these included large quantities of PRC-47's,
PRC-64's(with ALL the accessories we imported from Australia), PRC-6's,
and PRR-9's, to name just a few. This was all accomplished with support
from our domestic as well as overseas members, and all were distributed
to Group Members at a fraction of their current value.
Originally just oriented toward radio equipment, our group is now
progressing toward military vehicles, aircraft, radar, history, and more.
This because of my personal fixations, & the many people world wide
wishing to restore these items. Our members include museum curators,
collectors, historians, ham radio operators, re-enactors, ship, vehicle,
and aircraft restoration projects, and dealers. Yes dealers for which we
have a special limited membership plan that will produce benefits for
both them, and us.
If you'd like to participate with us, just let me know along with your
interest, something about yourself, & you may include a short want or
trade list. We have several guidelines that need be followed.
#1.We do not wish for this to become a commercial hunting ground.
If you wish to have available equipment presented to the group, you must
include two things, an asking REASONABLE price(none of this best offer
crap), & or what you'll trade for.
(Trading will always be the preferred method.)
#2.You must be willing to help other people in need. In other words
contribute to what's going on when you can. Keep your eyes out for items
in need by your fellow members. Respond to topics of discussion in the
Group Post whenever possible.
#3.Want list are fine, that's part of the idea. As are trade list
provided they
conform to #1. Wanted & Trade list will be posted in their entirety one
on the daily "Military Collector Group Post". After this an abbreviated
version will be added to the "Group Want's & Trade's" posted once weekly
on Sunday morning. For very long list, we will post it's availability &
interested persons can contact you directly for it.
#4.You can respond directly to the person needing help, or to me & I'll
forward it to the interested parties.
#5.If after posting your needs, they are taken care of, please let me
know, &
who helped you. Thus I wont re-post or forward your want's needlessly.
#6.This is absolutely not a means for you to enhance your personal
alone or financial status. If you are unwilling to participate in helping
other members whenever possible, or your sole interest is the buying &
selling of equipment, you need read no further, we don't want you!
#7.You must always remember, you will not simply be a subscriber to a
list! Rather, you will be a member of a select and dedicated group. The
publications we produce and you will receive are only a bi product of
that membership, and
If after you agree to the above & decide you want to play with us, let me
know. You must respond with at least the following or your membership
will not be processed further. If you are not interested you can simply
advise me to kiss off, I'm accustom to it.
#1.Your acceptance of the above conditions.
#2. A letter describing yourself, your current interest, expertise, &
whatever else you might like to include that you think might further your
interest. Upon my receipt of the above you can be sent on request a file
with some of our "member profiles" so that you might get an idea of what
to include about yourself. But basically you can include anything you
like that might further your goals as a member of this group. At this
same time I'll also send you a list of our back mail that's available so
you can be brought simi up to date. And lastly, an explanation of the
format of our publications explaining how you can participate(Guide
If you are an established, and reputable dealer in militaria you are not
exempt from participation, but there is a separate invitation you must
request and set of rules you must adhere to.
I thank you for your interest in our history as it is represented in this
Sponsored and edited by:
Midwest Military Communications Museum
Dennis Starks, Military Radio Collector/Historian
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