Good Morning List,
Apply lternate time frame as is morning here though.
Anyhow, thanks for the replies I've received and the offers of further
help. Just to clarify because the puctuation turned into some strange
characters for some. The funny marks were the semicolons and square
brackets. I'll repeat the service listing but put our knowledge in the line
below instead of next to it.
NRS, New Haven, Conn
Naval Recruiting Station
USNTC, Sampson, NY
US Naval Training Center
AG SCH, Norfolk, Va
Air Gunner School ???
AGC, Brooklyn, NY, (Atlantic)
the word Atlantic is hand written not typed like the rest
AGS, Shelton, Va
USNH, St.Albans, NY.
US Naval Hospital on Long Island
The suggestion about the recruiting station is a new one. I'll try that
I get some time. We're only sending copies to the Congressman's office.
They have been very helpful (as they should be) to local veterans in this
type of research and make a differencce when it's them on the line to
the National Records Center. The paperwork through them will also
get his medals and his high school diploma which he never got due to
enlisting before finishing. We've also found out he adjusted his age by
one year to be able to enlist but had no trouble getting in (according to
his wife) and his record shows he was promoted twice, finishing up
as a Seaman First Class. The more I think about doing a jeep as USN
for this the more I like the idea. Thanks and keep those ideas coming!
Major Rayfield I'll try and have it faxed today.
Best Regards to All,
Dennis O'Connor
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