At 09:03 AM 11/30/00 +0000, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Reay" <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:32 PM
>Subject: Re: [MV] T34 import
>> > Europe is likely better off for private heavy armour although we
>> > loose sight of the fact that many items of hugely expensive and
>> > painstakingly restored German armour is resident in the US but held as
>> > investment like an important work of art, they will never see the light
>> > day or get to be driven on a show-ground for the rest of us to look at.
>> Thats an intriguing suggestion.
>> Any evidence to back it up?
>Yes there is, however, I cannot publish it for a multitude of cogent
>As a parallel example from a little way back, we all know that the almost
>sum total of surviving and restored staff cars used by the German WWII
>leaders resides in a single collection located in Las Vegas, something
>around 60 vehicles I believe.
>Southampton - England
The Imperial Palace...Hotel-Casino...they unloaded some stuff a few years
ago...a very nice 88.....Had the learning experience of setting up this
particular gun in the field.....quite a chore!...a restored Damog
(spelling) and a Kubbelwagon....also a Mercedes roadster, reported to have
been owned by Himmler, sold but returned due to lack of supporting
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