Dec 1st 2000
I have followed with great interest the postings concerning the correct
length shovel for the Jeep. I do not have (yet!) a Jeep but I plan to have
one ASAP.
It seems that two sizes are/were available from Home Depot (for $ 22.00).
The shorter one is about 4 inches shorter: however, nobody answered Gordon
"Dodge" McMillan question:
At 15.24 27/11/00 +0000, GORDON wrote:
>Hmmm, is it true that the fourth footman loop position to the left of the
shovel handle tie-down on an MB / GPW was for an even >shorter shovel
handle to be lashed down ? If not, what was it for please?
Does it means that the Jeep used two sizes of shovels? Please, explain!
Thank you for any advise!
Raimondo (looking for a WWII Jeep)
MVPA 15878 & IMPS 2320
P.S. While at Beltring I have seen a lot of shovels for sale, different
lengths, all with handle, but I have not bought any of them due to lack of
info at the moment.
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