I work for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and
drive my M35A2 to work weekly during the warm months.
It's fun to turn into the massive corporate complex and drive down the main
entrance with the dual Convoy Warning lights going, The kids just stare and
point as I drive past the Day Care Center, and just about everyone parking
around me as I idle it down and post-flight it stare like I have monkeys
flying out of my butt.
Recently I drove it and got a call from Security (we have numbered parking
decals, and I have one mounted on a card and placed in the windshield).
They wanted to know if it was privately owned- kind of a dumb question since
he was on the phone talking to me and I referenced the Historical Vehicle
plate. It turns out the guy was trying to use the security angle to have a
conversation about it. He finally warmed up and we talked for about 25
minutes. He was in the Army and spent many hours in one, and it brought
back memories.
The next time I drove it I called the guy on my cell phone as I was coming
down the driveway so we could meet in the back parking lot. It turns out he
really just wanted to be there when I drove it in- the sound of the
screaming turbo was what he loved and hadn't heard for so long.
Rich Weinkauf, N8QLT
Cruise Missile Coordinates: 42d 28.05'N 083d 22.87'W
HummerID 97.5 Fly Yellow Wagon
1971 Kaiser M35A2 ** MVPA #20486
Load Warrior Website http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/Terminus/loadwarrior/
M35 Cool Stuff Site http://www.highprofilevehicles.com
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