Things I Learned About My HMMWV's New Brush Guard

Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 22:14:14 PST

I recently picked up a surplus brush guard for my HMMWV on Ebzzz for
$71 (SCOOOORE!). It's a bit banged up, but so is my truck, so it fits
right in!

I installed it a few weeks ago, and I've learned some interesting
trivia about it recently:

1. It keeps my laundry basket from sliding off the hood.

2. A 32 foot string of Christmas lights is just about right.

3. A 14 inch wreath might fit a Jeep OK, but it's a bit small for a HMMWV.

I saw some random SUV with a wreath on its grille on the road the
other day, and that inspired me to add one to my truck. After all,
it's green, and I did buy it for Christmas last year!

The inspiration for the non-regulation seasonal auxiliary parking
lights came from a picture I saw of a decorated deuce a year or three
ago. I don't recall whose truck it was, but I believe it was a beloved
family member of one of our esteemed MIL-VEH denizens.

Incidentally, I found a handy little gadget at Target for about $40: A
50W inverter and a 12V gel cell combined in a little shoulder bag,
with charging cables. According to the manual, it should run my 50W
string of HMMWV lights for about 40 minutes per charge. That saved me
the trouble of finding something that would run on 28 VDC, or driving
out to the hangar where my deuce lives (40 minutes away) to get my big
12V gel cells. I wouldn't recommend running an inverter off one of the
truck's batteries, because it'll cause the other one to over-charge,
and will reduce its (expensive!) life. For a larger truck that needs
more than 50 watts of lights, a larger inverter and battery
combination would be in order.

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <>
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