There's always a bump in the road

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 20:52:32 PST

Hi list,

Well, I spent most of yesterday loading all the WC54 parts into the M105
trailer and tarping it against the weather. The carport is looking pretty
good but I ran out of time to finish straightening up but there is obviously
now going to be enough room for the Scout chassis in there. Reviewing the
parts I was loading I began to feel that the ambulance is really going to be
a LOT of work. Commercial bodied vehicles suck big time. Give me nice flat
quarter inch plate any day over stamped body parts. This leaves me tempted
to part the sucker out and forget about it. (Gee, I could put the money
into the other Scout Car!)

Went and did the shopping for Amy's Christmas gifts today with the intent
that when I finished I was going to come home and assemble the brakes on the
front brake backing plates. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing that
come together. (If you have read this far, you are probably guessing
something went wrong...and you would be right!) Sat down to this task only
to find that the new wheel cylinders, while technically correct had a minor
difference.....that being the portion of the cylinder that actually fits
into the brake backing plate was too large......ARGH! Having run an auto
repair shop sometime ago I realize that occasionally getting the wrong part
is all part of the game so, while I was very disappointed that I didn't meet
my goal for the day, I wasn't too excited about this. (Hell, if push comes
to shove, you know I'll make that hole in the brake backing plate a little
larger but I doubt it will come to that.) Back to the garage to pull one of
the old cylinder bodies out of the box (I throw NOTHING away for this very
reason). Will take the new cylinders and the old cylinder body back to San
Antonio Brake & Clutch to the Wizard and see what he has to say. Lets hope
he can work some magic again!

By the way, I want to hear all the gory details about the alleged rip-off in
Plano. How about it, Gene?


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