To all on both lists
First of all Happy New Year to all and hope you find all the parts and above
all the Military Vehicles you have your harts set on
About both lists as far as I am concerned both are good and if you belong
to both so what is wrong with that and when you get a double post there is a
button on my computer that says DELETE funny how well it works.
Really Guys and Gals it dosent hurt a thing if you get two its better then
none.I thank the people that took the time to set this stuff up for us to
use belive me I know what time it take to monitor and keep up with a list
and Web Site as I have a site that a lot of you use.I check it many times a
day to make sure of my no spam policy
There is plans for more things will keep you posted
My Web Site for you that dont know is
Please feal free to use its services
XM 211
M8 High Speed Tractor
MVPA 21979
Amateur Radio W9TAD
This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Feb 05 2001 - 07:13:44 PST