Re: [MV] Front drive

Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 14:30:39 PST

OK Rikk, there is a two page instruction in the TM about adjusting the
transfer case shift linkage so the sprag will work... There is a shaft from
the tranny to the transfer that sets the sprag in reverse when you shift the
main tranny into reverse... You gotta make sure that stuff is all set before
you condemn the sprag unit.... In the manuals read about that adjustment
and then you gotta get a friend to help you and it is easier if you take out
the floorboard over the tranny and transfer and you gotta jack up the front
end and a lot of other stuff... So welcome to the M35 world... When they
stick, the whole system makes the truck jump up and down and go bang. scares
you to death, but usually doesn't break anything... The guys with the air
shift don't know how easy they got it... RAM

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