I've got a question here for the entire mil-veh list, but specifically
for the Active Duty or prior service members. Everyone has heard some
version of the classic Army Myth: stealing a government jeep by
disassembling it into many prices and then mailing home a lot of large
and small boxes to a friend or your brother.
During smoke breaks in the Motor Pool or downing pitchers at the EM
Club, legends have been handed down to the FNG's about "how some guy at
FT Dix NJ really stole an Army jeep back in the 50's when he ......."
I'm asking the collective memories of the vet's here, to share with the
mil-veh list as many of these stories -- factual or not -- of how 'some
guy' stole one of Uncle Sam's MVs and got away with it. Please state the
year and where you were when you first heard one of these legends. In
order to kick start your memory gears into reverse, I'll start this off
with the myth that I heard. Not saying that I believe it, just repeating
I was at FT Ord CA during the first half of 1967 when I heard the story
of how a GI had ripped-off a jeep from Headquarters and HQ Company during
the California Krazy Car Craze of the early 60's. He had purchased from
the PX masking tape and a dozen cans of spray paint; pepto-bismal pink.
Grabbing the first unsecured jeep he came across, he drove his future HMV
off into the wilds of Fort Ord. There he spent the day masking off the
windshield, seats, etc, and then spray painting the entire jeep pink.
By the time the paint had dried it was 1630hrs, time when all the
civilian contractors stop getting paid and do a mass egress for the main
gate. Wearing civi's the GI joins this stampeding metal herd and drives
the pink jeep right past the MP, who waves him through the gate.
Who's got another one?
52 M37
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